Saturday, September 13, 2014

Monsoon forests are the most varied. What is understood by this statement. What factors are responsible for such variations?

Monsoon forests are most varied because of they range from forests to thickets and from savanna to scrubland.
This is primarily because unequal spatial distribution of rainfall.

Differentiate between tropical monsoon and tropical marine climates

Tropical Monsoon Climate
  • On-shore wet monsoons in the summer and off-shore dry monsoons in the winter
  • Indian subcontinent, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, parts of Vietnam and South China, Northern Australia
Tropical Marine Climate:
  • influence of on-shore trade winds all the year round
  • more evenly distributed rainfall
  • Central America, West Indies, NE Australia, the Philippines, parts of E. Africa, Madagascar,  the Guinea Coast, eastern Brazil

Despite being endowed with many natural resources, equatorial countries have not displayed commensurate economic progress. What do you think are the factors responsible for this?

1. Equatorial Climate and health:

  • Harsh conditions: extreme heat and rain
  • Favorable for growth of parasites and hence diseases like malaria and yellow fever
2. Prevalence of bacteria and insect pests:

  • climate suitable for growth of pests and insects: diseases and damages to crops
3. Jungle hinders development and maintenance:

  • High undergrowth impedes the growth of crops ==> once cleared they regrow faster ==> choke crops
  • due to density of forests problem in building and maintaining communication infrastructure like railways, roads etc
4. Rapid deterioration of tropical soil: due to heavy downpour

  • But exceptions are Java: rich soil because of volcanic ashes
  • Malaysia, Singapore and eastern Brazil: systematic planning for land development
5. Difficulties in lumbering

  • hardwood makes it difficult to transport: cant float on water and there is no ice to slide upon
6. Livestock farming:

  • handicapped due to absence of meadow grass
  • tall and coarse grasses: non nutritious 
  • animal diseases: ngana (caused by tsetse flies)

What are different crops produced in tropical regions of the world?

  1. Rubber ==> Malaysia, Indonesia
  2. Cocoa ==> West Africa, Areas bordering Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana
  3. Oil Palm ==> West Africa, Areas bordering Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana
  4. Coconuts
  5. Sugarcane
  6. Coffee
  7. Tea
  8. Tobacco
  9. Spices
  10. Chinchona
  11. Bananas
  12. Pineapple
  13. Sago

Though Rubber was first discovered in Amazon basin yet this area is not the leading producer of rubber in the world. Which countries are the leading producers and what are the factors leading to this shift?

Malaysia and Indonesia
1. Europeans introduced rubber to these countries
2. The problems of tree diseases and the lack of commercial organization of the tribals in Amazon lowlands.

Mention the characteristics of Equatorial Vegetation


  1. A great variety of vegetation
  2. A distinct layer arrangement
  3. Multiple species
  4. Forest clearings (for agriculture)

Why are the tropical countries a net timber importers?

1. Many species are found in a smaller area. For example Malaysian jungles have around 200 species in a acre of forest land. Hence, commercial exploitation of trees becomes difficult.

2. Since the species of trees found in the tropical rain forests (found in tropical countries) are hardwoods and do not float easily on water , haulage becomes unviable.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Cleaning of Ganga

Recently a consortium of seven IITs came up with a report on the level of pollution of River Ganga.
The consortium is preparing a Ganga River Management Plan

1. What did that report say?

  • Attempts to clean Ganga by conventional pollution controlled methods have proved to be ineffective
  • Dams and barrages have snapped its longitudinal activity 
  • Human activity including industrialization, urbanization, deforestation and a complete absence of provision along the river for waste water disposal has reduced the Ganga to its current condition
  • Ecological restoration is one area which needs immediate restoration
2. What is the objective of National Mission for Clean Ganga
By 2020, no untreated municipal sewage or industrial effluent will flow into the Ganga.

Q. Despite several initiatives taken for cleaning the River Ganga, the river is still to be restored into its pristine form. Describe the reasons of the current state of the River Ganga and various steps taken by the government to clean it. What do you think could be the reasons for the failures of all such attempts?

India ASEAN FTA in investment and services

India recently signed an FTA in investments and services with ASEAN.

1. What is India going to benefit out of this?
Ans :
  • It will help integrate Indian economy with the booming economies of SE Asia.
  • Helps indirectly in strategic partnership 
    • Indian Ocean Maritime Security
    • Growing China's presence in Indian Ocean Area
  • Opens up market for Indian professionals and service exports.
2. But India has already signed a FTA in trade with ASEAN. Did it help India in economic terms?
Ans: Indian FTA in trade with ASEAN did not lead to expected results because to an extent of India's inherent issues.
  • Poor manufacturing base ==> our products could not compete with Chinese or Korean
  • The same reason didn't let imports of raw material to boost
3. Then how is this new FTA going to help?
  • Service sector is India's strength. We can leverage it in ASEAN market
  • Our work force in Service sector is highly skilled. They can utilize the booming market of ASEAN nations
  • An agreement in investment would boost capital inflows and outflows. We would get necessary capital for our infrastructure and other needs. Our investors can put their money in the booming upcoming market and earn healthy returns.
4. OK so what could be the concerns related to it?

  • The Philippines, a competitor of India in service sector is a member of ASEAN. 
  • There was an economic crisis during 1999 in this part of the world. India should tread with caution.